From the age of one year, children are entitled to a childcare place. As a rule, admission to a day-care center takes place on September 1st.

A list and information can be found at Day-care centres.

award criteria

The day-care center allocation is based on certain criteria:

  • Information on preferred institutions by parents
  • Availability of free places
  • age of the child
  • Urgency criteria, such as working single parents, working parents or special emergencies
  • If possible, siblings are admitted to the same facility

Once a place has been confirmed, it is normally not possible to switch to another day care center in Burghausen.

parental contributions

For the day-care center year 2024/2025, the following contributions result.
Depending on the booking time, there are different amounts of parental contributions.
Fees for future years may vary.

Overview of the monthly contributions in the Burghausen day-care centers:

Booking time in hours / day Monthly fees for crèche* Monthly fees for kindergarten**
3-4 227,00 € 57,00 €
4-5 247,00 € 70,00 €
5-6 272,00 € 83,00 €
6-7 297,00 € 99,00 €
7-8 331,00 € 113,00 €
8-9 371,00 € 130,00 €
9-10 411,00 € 149,00 €

In addition, a game and drink money of between five and ten euros per month is charged.

Lunch is also charged separately.

* For crèche children there is more than that Bavarian crèche allowance the subsidy of 100 €/month.

**From September 1st of the calendar year in which the child turns three, the Free State of Bavaria will provide a subsidy to the basic contribution of a maximum of €100 per child per month until the child goes to school. This subsidy has already been deducted in the table above. The city of Burghausen covers the subsidy for younger children in kindergarten.

Low-income families use it Application for payment of the participation fee of the Altötting District Office – Office for Children, Youth and Families.
If you receive social benefits, you can also apply Services for education and participation (e.g. for lunch, excursions, etc.) at Altötting District Office – Social Affairs Department . provide

You can find more information in the Parent notification for the 2024/25 daycare year.

Registration and timing

Do you live in Burghausen and want to register your child for a Burghausen childcare facility?

The city of Burghausen offers you a modern and data protection-compliant online procedure.

To do this, register in Burghausen citizen service portal. The best way to create your Bayern ID is to “register with username and password”.

Then use the “Kitaplatz” service and send off your requirement registration.

Kita place_requirement registration process

Registrations for daycare place requirements for the current daycare year can be made at any time.

For the daycare year 2024/2025, the timely registration period takes place from January 10th to March 10th, 2024. Subsequent registrations are possible at any time. The allocation of places will take place from April 12th. The care contracts with the daycare centers are concluded in May/June.

For the day-care center year 2025/2026, the registration period is from January 10th to March 10th, 2025. Early registrations are not possible.


house of the family
Prießnitzstrasse 1
84489 Burghausen
Directions/route planner
T. +49 8677 ​​887-580

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday
08: 00 clock to 17: 00 clock

Occupation information desk:
Monday to Friday
08: 00 clock to 12: 00 clock
14: 00 clock to 17: 00 clock