A girl holds up a sign at a demonstration © Westend61 / Stefanie Baum

The city of Burghausen has defined the following guiding principle as part of its sustainability concept for the field of education and citizen participation:

“Education is a lifelong learning process, which we also see as a municipal task. As the city of Burghausen, we want to network and support appropriate offers for information and education for sustainable development in order to anchor sustainability in the education sector. At the same time, a comprehensive participation of the citizenry and the local actors in the most diverse decision-making areas is aimed for - from kindergarten to retirement homes".

The guiding principle gives rise to concrete goals and visions that Burghausen would like to implement:

"We want to expand the holistic knowledge of sustainability through appropriate educational measures in order to reduce the personal CO2 footprint of every single citizen in Burghausen. Global warming can only be limited to 1,5 degrees if everyone changes their lifestyle.”

The city of Burghausen has defined five areas that it wants to promote in the field of education and citizen participation:

  • citizen participation
  • Expansion and further development of child and youth work
  • Educational work – schools for sustainable development
  • Educational work in public institutions
  • Expand awareness

Under the direction of the Burghauser Environment Agency, sustainability days with various campaigns will be held in 2023. In this way, the city's efforts should be made clear and at the same time all Burghausen residents should be made aware of the topic of sustainability at different levels. The point of knowledge-to-go from the citizens' council is included in this area.

Basically, Burghausen would like its citizens to participate in the development of the city, especially when it comes to planning and building projects. The city also wants to involve young people – among other things by expanding and further developing the city’s child and youth work. To this end, the youth office should be the point of contact for the Burghausen clubs who have questions about funding or similar concerns. The city wants to intensify its cooperation with schools. In addition, targeted campaigns for the participation of the Burghausen youth are planned.

Of course, the city attaches great importance to educational work: Not only does it keep an eye on children and youth work, but also on the school buildings. In addition to the renovation of the Hans-Stethaimer School in the old town, the extension of the Hans-Kammerer School is also planned.

The city of Burghausen will expand the educational work at the local schools and day care centers by the year 2024 with the vegetable farm project. The project is an educational program about growing vegetables. From sowing to tilling, harvesting and processing, the students learn where food comes from on site at their own school.

The field of education and citizen participation also includes educational work at public institutions. To this end, the city is pushing ahead with the expansion of the city museum.

In order to promote the awareness of the citizens of Burghausen in terms of sustainability, the city is running its campaign "Burghausen is changing. The world.” continued. The presentation of the sustainability prize is also still on the city's annual calendar. In addition, the city is taking up a proposal from the citizens' council, which includes the introduction of a citizens' budget.

In order to raise awareness of sustainability, the city is also planning to expand VHS cooperation with various lecture series. The environmental agency and the eco-model region are responsible for this.