The 23 students, eleven from Madrid and twelve from Kumax High School, visited the town hall as part of their exchange program. Dita Adzivor, German teacher at the exchange school in Madrid (back middle), Annette Hopf, Spanish teacher at the Kumax-Gymnasium (2nd from right), First Mayor Florian Schneider (r.) © Stadt Burghausen/ebh

The 23 students, eleven from Madrid and twelve from Kumax High School, visited the town hall as part of their exchange program. Dita Adzivor, German teacher at the exchange school in Madrid (back middle), Annette Hopf, Spanish teacher at the Kumax-Gymnasium (2nd from right), First Mayor Florian Schneider (r.) © Stadt Burghausen/ebh

Student exchange with eleven students from Spain - visit to the town hall and to First Mayor Florian Schneider

Colegio Santa María de los Rosales, this is the resounding name of the school in Madrid, with which the Kumax Gymnasium has been offering a student exchange for the 2016th graders since 9. In March 2024, twelve Burghausen students visited Madrid, and in mid-April eleven young people from Madrid came to Burghausen. First Mayor Florian Schneider received the students from Madrid and their exchange partners in the town hall.

“Welcome to the town hall,” said the city leader, welcoming the group and the two teachers, the Spanish German teacher Dita Adzivor and the Spanish teacher from the Kumax-Gymnasium Annette Hopf. “It's always nice to get to know people from other cultures.” It is essential to experience other countries not only on vacation, but also to experience people's everyday lives.

Annette Hopf confirms how important such an exchange is: “It is incredibly motivating to be able to apply the language skills you have learned in practice.” The young people from Burghausen have only been learning Spanish for a year and a half, but were already able to communicate well during their stay in Madrid . Communication in German with the exchange partners from Madrid also works very well.

The young people from Madrid spent a total of ten days in April 2024 with their host families in Burghausen. During this time, among other things, they got a castle tour, went on a plateau trip and visited Munich and Salzburg. The only thing that wasn't so great during their stay in Burghausen: When the Burghausen students were in Madrid, the weather was much better.

There are a few other exchange programs for young people at secondary schools in Burghausen: The Kumax-Gymnasium, together with the Maria-Ward-Realschule, offers an exchange with a school in Tennessee/USA, and the Aventinus High School regularly organizes an exchange with young people from Alexandria in Egypt and the Burghausen's twin towns in Ptuj in Slovenia, Sulmona in Italy and Fumel in France.